Where Can I Serve?

Ushering is an important ministry of the Church as the usher is usually the first person who visitors and members meet at the door.  The usher can help the Pastor make the service a success by putting the congregation in the right frame of mind to worship and to receive the message.
Ushers must make sure the church is in good order, ready to receive guests and members and should always greet persons with a smile, offering any assistance where necessary.
Ushers should be willing and always ready to usher (even when it is not their turn), be courteous, well groomed in apparel which complies with the Church’s regulations and be punctual for duty.
What is the worship team?
The worship team is a song leading group consisting primarily of vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers who assist the song leader and lead song service on occasion. We practice from 6:30 p.m. on Mondays. This ministry is about more than singing and playing instruments, apart from that we have meaningful devotions, discussions, team building exercises and social activities so that we can be one in ministry even as God is one, and that we might all be one with God, together in worship.
Our Purpose:
In order to give ourselves an identity, which would help us maintain focus and send a positive message, we decided on the  name “Immersion” which was  inspired by the Scripture John 4:24. Our vision and mission is: “To be instruments of God’s glory, creating an atmosphere of true God- inspired worship”.
How can you become a member? First there must be a willing heart and then the ability to sing, play an instrument or minister through dance. However, if you do not think you possess any of these abilities but you have the desire to be trained in some area, all it takes is that first step of courage and commitment because you never know how God can take something which you thought was nothing and turn it into something you never dreamed of, but the question is, are you ready for the immersion? God is and so are we. How you can help: Do you think you can coach vocally or instrumentally or direct the team?  If you do and want to assist with our development, you can speak with Bro. Kenny St.Cyr or Bro. Nicholas Williams, or leave your contact information with any member of the team and we will surely get in touch with you. Immerse yourself into God’s loving arms. “Immersion”
We hear the term evangelism, but what does it really mean. Evangelism actually comes from a Greek word which literally means to “bring good news”. Evangelism is sharing the good news that Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection conquered sin.
The Bible says:
Mark 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  
Evangelism has many different facets such as community evangelism, hospital and prison evangelism etc. Moving forward we will be referring to this ministry as the evangelism ministry and not just open air or outreach.
GOAL The goal of this ministry is to share the gospel of Christ and to equip others to make disciples of Jesus. At present the evangelism committee comprises of Tyrone Lowe, Owen Thompson and Julia Licorish. We believe that evangelism plays a vital purpose in any church.

FUTURE PLANS In addition to continuing our evangelism outreach to connect and make an impact with our community, we also want to conduct further training, since the last one in April 2016. This year we want the focus to be on the family. You may have an area of family life that may have some challenges, we want to look at how we can assist Helping families through prayer and resources as part of our evangelism outreach in areas of marriage, parenting, elderly, and the bereaved. We will give you more details about this in the future.  

Comprising of three members: Dr. Carl Ward, Sis. Dolores Codrington and Sis. Julia Licorish
The Missions Committee serves mainly to do the following:
-To shed light on the work of missionaries around the world.-To show the need for world evangelization.
-To increase awareness of the Biblical basis for missions.
-To inform the church about missions and the work of those on missions.
-To encourage prayer and other support for those on the mission field especially those close to the church.
The committee tries to maintain contact with some missionaries who go to the most needy and unreached communities abroad to minister to the totality of human needs. We try to highlight the conditions under which they carry out Jesus’ great commission and to share their difficulties, successes and prayer requests.
So basically then, the committee tries to highlight some of the problems, issues and concerns of those who seek to build the Body of Christ by bringing the knowledge of God and salvation to people around the world.  
Bros.Tyrone Lowe, Kenny St. Cyr and Nicholas Williams are the three persons responsible for this ministry.
Music has power to provide spiritual nourishment.  It has healing power that restores peace and calm to broken hearts. It has the power to facilitate worship and allows us to express prayerful thoughts and bear testimony of sacred truths.  It is a powerful expression of praise as noted in Psalm 150 vs 4: “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs.”  We at the Berean love music dearly.  All of us cannot sing or dance but we all can learn to play an instrument – maybe the guitar is that instrument for you.
Teaching guitar was started at the Berean by Bro. Tyrone Lowe.  Bros. Kenny St Cyr and Nicholas Williams are two products of that course. If you would also like to be part of our church worship team or just want to learn the basics because of your love for guitar, you can speak with either Bros.Tyrone, Kenny or Nicholas.
We are more than willing to teach you what we have learnt so far. You can then help us accompany the Worship Team, the Choir or a special performance at some point.
All you need is a will to start.  Even if you do not have a guitar still come along. We meet on Saturday afternoons from 12.30pm to 1.30pm  
“Call unto Me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things that thou knowest not” is our memory verse. Hymn 218 “Teach me to pray” is our theme song.
The Ladies Prayer Chain group meets once monthly, usually on the first Saturday at 4:00 p.m. at one of the members’ homes.  We are like a closely knit family.  We share our personal needs and requests and pray for others and ourselves.  We bring refreshments and have a warm fellowship.
When a prayer request is made to the first leader, she calls the other leader and the information is passed on to the other persons in the group.  Confidentiality is always observed.
The Prayer Chain usually have an all day retreat yearly at Whitsuntide and a Christmas dinner.  
The Medical Ministry is conducted every third Sunday after the Morning Worship service.  The team consists of Dr. Carl Ward, Medical Practitioner; Sis. Hermes Nurse, Registered Nurse and Sis.Judy Wiltshire, Secretary.  Reliefs are Dr. Barry Ward, Medical Practitioner and Sis. Susan Greenidge as Secretary.  We would welcome the assistance of a relief nurse.
There are two objectives of this ministry:
  1. To use our talents for God’s service
  2. To screen for hypertension – “the silent killer”, and for diabetes.
Over the years we have had the privilege of finding persons who had one or the other of these conditions but who did not know it was presenting, and we were able to advise them to visit their personal doctor for further diagnosis.  While doing tests we give counsel on management of these two conditions.  We also keep records so individuals can monitor their results if they wish.
As the Bible says “we are workers together with God” and we are also assisting in the fight against Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).


The Women’s Fellowship meets every first Thursday of the month at 5:45 p.m. for the Town church, and second Thursday at 6:00 p.m. at Grazettes.  Every month a different lady is in charge of the service.
We sing, laugh, pray, even cry together when necessary.  Every lady is capable of planning a programme and sharing a message. We also recognize person’s birthdays.  Membership at the Town church is about 20 and at Grazettes about 12.
The objective of the Media Ministry here at Berean is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology and media, and to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool. By this we are aiming to enhance the worship experience, communicating with the congregation, extending the congregation beyond the walls of the church, and proliferating the message.
This ministry not only provides the technical support required for our worship services, but also records various events, teachings and sermons, which are made available for view here on our website.

Mission Statement:

We exist to show love for God and others by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone by the use of technology, through amplified sound, recordings, digital presentations, the internet and other forms of communication. We also provide technical support to other ministry events.

Mission Scriptures – 
“Go therefore into all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” – Matthew 28: 19-20
Work hard, but not just to please your masters when they are watching. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart. Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. – Ephesians 6:6
Purpose – The purpose of the Media Ministry is to creatively utilise the technology that God has given us to more effectively reach out to the church and the community with the good news of Jesus Christ. Areas are included in this ministry:
  • Video
  • Printed materials
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Media production
  • Public relations/advertising
  • Technical Support
We welcome volunteers with the “want ta” attitude” (want to) firstly, and an innate ability secondly. We believe that with the right attitude, commitment, desire and God’s grace, you can accomplish any task.  We provide on the job training.
How do I volunteer? Speak to any Leader of the Media Ministry or Pastor/Elder about your desire to volunteer.
The Flower Arranging Committee  comprises a small group – presently only three ladies – who try to keep flowers on the platform each Sunday.  We are also responsible for arrangements for special occasions and for funerals.
We often get flowers from our own gardens, but for special functions we sometimes have to buy. Maybe there are times when you have flowers in your garden which you would like to give to the Lord.  You can contact any member of the committee to let us know of your willingness to help in this area.  A simple arrangement is not difficult to do.
There might also be some persons who would occasionally like to get together and order an arrangement for the Sunday service. If so you can let us know in advance of your desire to do this.
Of course, if there is anyone, Male or Female, who would like to become a member of The Flower Arranging Committee, we would welcome you as we are in dire need of some extra help. Our goal would be to have at least five members – one responsible for each Sunday and one for the fifth Sunday when it comes around.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  You can contact Sisters Joy Banfield, Signe Watson or Lorna Ward.   We look forward to hearing from you.